Arc is a global marketplace of vetted interview-ready remote talent. Hire freelance and full-time developers, designers, and marketers in just days.

Hire top remote developers, designers, and marketers | Arc


What is Arc?

Arc is a platform that connects companies with top remote developers, designers, and marketers. With Arc, companies can find the best talent for their remote jobs without the hassle of searching and screening resumes.

How does Arc work?

Arc works by providing access to a vast pool of vetted talent. Companies can share their job details and location preferences, and Arc will connect them with the best matches. The platform takes care of the rest, including secure freelancer payments and compliant global hires.

Features of Arc

  • Access to a pool of 350,000+ vetted talent in 190 countries
  • Save up to 58% vs traditional hiring
  • Get real human support from expert global recruiters
  • Fast hiring process - hire in 72 hours for freelance contracts and 14 days for full-time hires
  • Pay hourly or per hire, depending on the company's needs

Why choose Arc?

  • Excellent talent pool with a 75% faster hiring process
  • Cost-effective solution with up to 58% savings
  • Hands-on support from expert recruiters
  • Scalable solution for global teams

What do customers say about Arc?

  • "Scale your team while saving time, money, and brainpower" - Todd Wiesel, Founder @ BAXUS Blockchain protocol
  • "Highly skilled and diverse pool of talent at an affordable cost!" - Kristen (KJ) O'Sullivan, Lead Recruiter @ Stem
  • "Quickly delivered candidates that met our very high bar" - Derrick Mar, Co-founder and CPO @ YC-backed Pathrise
  • "Some of the best hires we’ve ever made!" - Hunter McKinley, Co-Founder & CEO @ Backtrack

Hire - Alternative

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Boost your job search with our AI-powered ATS Resume Checker. Get detailed feedback and improve your resume to pass Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS). Start for free and stand out from the competition!

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