Generative Engine | RunwayML Experiments

A storytelling machine that automatically generates synthetic images as you write new words and sentences. Made with RunwayML

Generative Engine | RunwayML Experiments


What is Generative Engine?

Generative Engine is a storytelling machine that automatically generates synthetic images as you write new words and sentences.

How does Generative Engine work?

Generative Engine uses AttnGAN, a model created by Tao Xu, et al., to generate synthetic images based on user input.

Features of Generative Engine

  • Automatically generates synthetic images as you write new words and sentences
  • Uses AttnGAN, a state-of-the-art model for text-to-image synthesis
  • Allows users to explore their creativity and bring their stories to life

Pricing of Generative Engine

  • Free to use, with optional subscription for additional features and support

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