Figma Slides: Design Tool for Collaborative Presentations

Create visually appealing presentations for any occasion with Figma Slides. Effortlessly design, customize, and share custom slides to engage your audience. Collaborate on designs, prototypes, and receive feedback using Figma, a collaborative design tool for UI design, design systems, web design, product development, and UX design. Access Figma downloads, Figma Learn resources, and join the Figma community for a seamless design experience.

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Figma Slides: Design Tool for Collaborative Presentations


What is Figma Slides?

Figma Slides is a presentation tool designed for designers and their collaborators to create narratives, engage audiences, and develop impressive slide decks. It merges Figma's capabilities with FigJam's collaborative nature, facilitating team collaboration on presentations.

How can I use Figma Slides for collaborative design?

Figma Slides allows teams to collaborate in real-time on presentations, offering features like live slides, live polls, and alignment scales. It provides options to switch between single slide and grid views for visual thinking and organization.

Features of Figma Slides

Figma Slides provides various features to simplify the creation of captivating presentations, such as:

  • Showcase interactive designs: Incorporate playable prototypes to animate your products.

  • See the big picture with grid view: Zoom out for a comprehensive overview of your presentation.

  • Toggle on Design mode: Access Figma Design tools for Auto Layout, Advanced Properties, and other design features.

  • Fine-tune copy with AI: Quickly adjust text tone and length.

  • Slide into alignment with your team: Identify misalignments using the Alignment Scale.

  • Present confidently: View presenter notes and preview upcoming slides in Presenter View.

Pricing of Figma Slides

Figma Slides offers a free plan and various paid options like Professional, Organization, and Enterprise, with pricing dependent on user count and required features.

Resources for Figma Slides

Figma provides resources to assist users in getting started with Figma Slides, including video tutorials, community presentation templates, and a blog featuring best practices and tips.

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