Offline Chat: Private AI on the App Store

Introducing Offline Chat, the next-generation AI ChatBot that runs entirely on your device without the Internet. You can use it anywhere, and your data stays private.

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Offline Chat: Private AI on the App Store


What is Offline Chat: Private AI?

Offline Chat is a next-generation AI chatbot that operates solely on your device without requiring an internet connection. This enables you to use it anywhere while keeping your data private and secure.

How can I use Offline Chat?

You can utilize Offline Chat to ask general questions and also upload your private documents to inquire about their content. Currently, the app supports PDF and plain text files.

What models are available on Offline Chat?

Offline Chat offers three models: Tiny, Small, and Medium. While a larger model provides better answers, it operates slower and needs more powerful devices. The "Tiny" model works on most devices, the "Small" model requires iPhone 14 and 15 Pros, and the "Medium" model is compatible with Macs and high-end iPads.

What are the benefits of using Offline Chat?

Offline Chat is ideal for inspiring creativity and aiding in various tasks like writing. It is also useful for conducting research with sensitive material. Moreover, since the app functions entirely on your device, your data remains private and secure.

What are the limitations of Offline Chat?

Although Offline Chat may not match the performance of top-tier online models due to memory and processing limitations, it excels as a captivating and versatile tool. It is recommended to fact-check independently.

What's new in Offline Chat?

The latest update of Offline Chat introduces the on-device document chat feature, allowing you to upload private documents and ask questions about their content.

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