Jeffrey Celavie: AI Astro-Coaching & Astrology Predictions Jeffrey Célavie, the premier AI Astrology horoscope site, offers personalized astrological insights through the free Astro GPT Kundli service. Join over 4 million users to explore AI astro-coaching, astrology predictions, birth charts, and more.

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Jeffrey Celavie: AI Astro-Coaching & Astrology Predictions


What is Jeffrey Celavie?

Jeffrey Celavie is an AI astro-coaching site that provides personalized insights and astrology predictions using AI technology. It is the first, best, and cheapest AI astro-coaching site ever, offering a unique blend of Western, Vedic, and Chinese astrology.

How does Jeffrey Celavie work?

Jeffrey Celavie uses advanced AI capabilities, including the latest GPT-4O integration, to provide comprehensive analysis and real-time personalized predictions. The site offers an interactive chatbot that allows users to ask questions and receive quick and easy answers.

Features of Jeffrey Celavie

  • AI-powered astrology service
  • Combines Western, Vedic, and Chinese astrology
  • Real-time personalized predictions
  • Interactive chatbot for easy Q&A
  • Affordable pricing at $1.99 per month
  • Secure payments with Stripe, Apple Pay, Link, and Google Pay
  • Option to unsubscribe anytime without hassle

Pricing of Jeffrey Celavie

Jeffrey Celavie offers two pricing plans:

Explorer Plan

  • $1.99 per month
  • Includes all the basics, plus:
    • Personal Growth AI meditation
    • 10 Monthly Queries

Annual Explorer Plan

  • $20 per year
  • Includes all the basics, plus:
    • Personal Growth AI meditation
    • 10 Monthly Queries
    • Two months free

Benefits of Jeffrey Celavie

  • Get personalized insights and astrology predictions using AI technology
  • Explore the universe with a unique blend of Western, Vedic, and Chinese astrology
  • Enjoy affordable pricing and secure payments
  • Experience personal growth with AI meditation and interactive chatbot
  • Join a community of over 4 million users and be part of the Jeffrey Celavie team

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