Run Sales & Registrations Without Crashes or Bots - Queue-it Control online traffic effectively with Queue-it's virtual waiting room solution. Ensure a fair user experience and achieve peace of mind during your high-traffic events.

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Run Sales & Registrations Without Crashes or Bots - Queue-it


What is Queue-it?

Queue-it is a virtual waiting room solution that helps you control traffic and deliver a fair online experience during high-demand sales, registrations, and other mission-critical events.

How does Queue-it work?

Queue-it works by providing a controlled and fair online experience during high-demand sales, registrations, and other mission-critical events. It helps you manage who gets access, block bots and abuse, and stop wasting resources.

Features of Queue-it

Product Overview

Queue-it provides a comprehensive solution for managing online traffic, including a virtual waiting room, traffic control and insights, abuse and bot protection, and a waiting room gallery.


Queue-it offers 25+ edge, server-side, or client-side connectors, making it easy to integrate with your existing tech stack.

User Experience

Queue-it provides a smooth and transparent online experience during high-demand sales, registrations, and other mission-critical events.

Bots and Abuse

Queue-it offers a security checkpoint to verify incoming traffic and serve real customers instead of bad bots.

Traffic Control and Insights

Queue-it provides real-time traffic control and insights, enabling you to make data-driven decisions.

Invite-Only Access

Queue-it allows you to provide controlled, fair, and exclusive sale access to engage and grow your loyal customer base.

Pricing of Queue-it

Queue-it offers a flexible pricing plan that suits your business needs. You can book a demo to learn more about the pricing.

Benefits of Queue-it

Sell Smarter

Queue-it helps you sell smarter by providing a fair online experience, blocking bots and abuse, and stopping waste of resources.

Improve Customer Experience

Queue-it improves customer experience by providing a smooth and transparent online experience during high-demand sales, registrations, and other mission-critical events.

Increase Efficiency

Queue-it increases efficiency by providing real-time traffic control and insights, enabling you to make data-driven decisions.

Enhance Security

Queue-it enhances security by providing a security checkpoint to verify incoming traffic and serve real customers instead of bad bots.

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