Quizgecko is an AI question generator that allows you to generate a shareable quiz from text in seconds.

Quizgecko | AI Question Generator | Make a Test


What is Quizgecko?

An AI-Powered Quiz Maker for Everyone

Quizgecko is an AI-driven platform that provides access to a vast array of AI technologies for various needs, including generating quizzes, flashcards, and assessments. With Quizgecko, you can create quizzes, tests, and exams to level up your learning.

How can I use Quizgecko?

For Students, Educators, and Businesses

Quizgecko is perfect for generating quizzes, assessments, exams, and tests. Whether you are a teacher, student, or business, you'll find that the platform is flexible enough for all purposes.


Ace Your Exams with Our All-in-One Platform

  • Create quizzes and tests automatically from your content using AI
  • Automatically turn your notes into digital flashcards
  • Share, export, and embed quizzes seamlessly
  • Auto-grading quizzes and tests with detailed stats and reports
  • Mobile apps for on-the-go studying


For Every Learner

Quizgecko offers a free plan that allows you to generate up to 3 quizzes per month. For more features and quizzes, you can upgrade to our affordable products.


Help Center, Blog, and Developer API

Quizgecko provides comprehensive resources, including a help center, blog, and developer API, to support your learning journey.

Quizgecko - Alternative


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