Replicate AI: Run API for open-source models, custom models, image editing, upscale images, generate videos, machine learning, text-to-video, face-to-many, face-to-sticker, pricing, billing Generate Pokémon from a text description using Replicate's AI API for open-source and custom models. Replicate offers services for image restoration, editing, upscaling, video generation, machine learning, text-to-video, face-to-many, face-to-sticker, pricing, and billing.

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Replicate AI: Run API for open-source models, custom models, image editing, upscale images, generate videos, machine learning, text-to-video, face-to-many, face-to-sticker, pricing, billing


What is lambdal/text-to-pokemon?

lambdal/text-to-pokemon is a model on Replicate that generates Pokémon from a text description. It uses a combination of natural language processing and computer vision techniques to create an image of a Pokémon based on the input text.

How does lambdal/text-to-pokemon work?

To use lambdal/text-to-pokemon, you can send a POST request to the Replicate API with a JSON payload containing the input text and any additional parameters you want to specify. The model will then generate an image of a Pokémon based on the input text and return the output as a URL.

Features of lambdal/text-to-pokemon

  • Generate Pokémon from a text description
  • Supports multiple output formats, including images and videos
  • Can be used with a variety of programming languages, including Node.js, Python, and Elixir
  • Offers a range of customization options, including guidance scale and number of inference steps

Pricing and billing for lambdal/text-to-pokemon

The pricing and billing for lambdal/text-to-pokemon are based on the number of predictions made using the model. You can find more information on the pricing and billing for Replicate models on the Replicate website.

Running lambdal/text-to-pokemon with an API

To run lambdal/text-to-pokemon with an API, you'll need to send a POST request to the Replicate API with a JSON payload containing the input text and any additional parameters you want to specify. You can use a variety of programming languages to make the request, including Node.js, Python, and Elixir.

Examples of using lambdal/text-to-pokemon

Here are some examples of using lambdal/text-to-pokemon with different programming languages:

  • Node.js:
const replicate = new Replicate({
  auth: process.env.REPLICATE_API_TOKEN,

const output = await
    input: {
      prompt: "Yoda",
      num_outputs: 1,
      guidance_scale: 7.5,
      num_inference_steps: 50
  • Python:
import replicate

output =
        "prompt": "Yoda",
        "num_outputs": 1,
        "guidance_scale": 7.5,
        "num_inference_steps": 50
  • Elixir:
output =
    prompt: "Yoda",
    num_outputs: 1,
    guidance_scale: 7.5,
    num_inference_steps: 50

You can also use the Replicate API to run lambdal/text-to-pokemon from the command line using curl:

curl -s -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $REPLICATE_API_TOKEN" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d $'{
    "version": "ff6cc781634191dd3c49097a615d2fc01b0a8aae31c448e55039a04dcbf36bba",
    "input": {
      "prompt": "Yoda",
      "num_outputs": 1,
      "guidance_scale": 7.5,
      "num_inference_steps": 50
  }' \

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