Our online resume and LinkedIn grader instantly scores your resume and LinkedIn profile and gives you detailed feedback on how to get more opportunities and interviews.

Resume Worded - Free instant feedback on your resume and LinkedIn profile


What is Resume Worded?

Resume Worded is an AI-powered platform that offers immediate feedback on your resume and LinkedIn profile. Developed by experienced recruiters, our platform provides customized feedback on your resume and LinkedIn profile, assisting you in securing more interviews and job offers.

How can I use Resume Worded for free?

All users can access our free AI-powered tools, such as Score My Resume, Targeted Resume, and LinkedIn Review. Our platform offers practical feedback on your resume and LinkedIn profile, aiding you in enhancing your job search.

Features of Resume Worded

Score My Resume

Receive a complimentary expert review of your resume instantly. Our AI-powered tool evaluates your resume based on essential criteria that recruiters and hiring managers seek, offering you actionable steps to enhance your resume and secure more interviews.

Targeted Resume

Customize your resume to a job description within seconds. Our AI-powered platform examines the job description, pinpointing crucial keywords and skills that are absent from your resume, helping you secure more interviews.

LinkedIn Review

Receive personalized feedback on your LinkedIn profile, at no cost. Our AI-powered tool delivers tailored feedback on how to optimize your LinkedIn profile, resulting in 5 times more job opportunities, leads, and prospects.

Benefits of using Resume Worded

  • Secure 5 times more interviews and job offers
  • Obtain expert feedback on your resume and LinkedIn profile
  • Enhance your job search process
  • Optimize your LinkedIn profile and generate more job opportunities, leads, and prospects
  • Advance in your career with our AI-powered platform

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