Align on your next build faster with Whimsical docs, flowcharts, wireframes, & mind maps. Generate AI diagrams and access templates from product leaders.

Whimsical - The iterative workspace for product teams


What is Whimsical?

Whimsical is a workspace designed for product teams to collaborate and align on projects. It provides a range of tools, including flowcharts, mind maps, and wireframes, to help teams brainstorm, organize ideas, and create a single source of truth for every project.

How does Whimsical work?

Whimsical offers a range of features to support iterative work, including contextual toolbars, embeds, sticky notes, and live updates across channels. It also provides presentation-ready outputs to share ideas and get buy-in from stakeholders.

Features of Whimsical

  • Mind Maps: Brainstorm and organize ideas visually

  • Flowcharts: Clarify user flows and processes with one flexible toolkit

  • Wireframes: Build wireframes with drag-and-drop components

  • Docs: Format text, embed visuals, and connect project info

  • Whimsical AI: Generate diagrams with Whimsical AI in seconds

Pricing of Whimsical

Get started for free and explore Whimsical's features. For more information on pricing, contact sales or sign up for a free trial.

Resources and Support

  • Blog: Learn from the brightest and access proven templates and examples

  • Careers: Explore career opportunities at Whimsical

  • Customers: Learn how product leaders and teams solved unique and everyday challenges

  • Product updates: Stay up-to-date with the latest features and updates

  • Help center: Get support and answers to your questions

  • Status: Check the status of Whimsical's services

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