What is Pastebin.ai?
Pastebin.ai is a simple and efficient pastebin for mainly code to be distributed neatly and efficiently across the web.
How can I use Pastebin.ai?
Every user can utilize Pastebin.ai for free, with features including creating and sharing texts quickly and easily, storing pastes in different folders with custom names, protecting pastes with password, encryption, and captcha, and more.
Features of Pastebin.ai
Syntax Highlighting
Pastebin.ai supports over 150 syntax languages for your codes.
Paste Protection
Protect your pastes with password, encryption, and captcha.
URL Monetization
Earn money by enabling URL shorteners in your pastes.
Global Settings
Configure each aspect of your pastes globally.
Price of Pastebin.ai
Pastebin.ai is free to use, with optional features available for subscribers.
Note: The content above is a rewritten version of the original text in markdown format, with h3 headers for each module.