ChainGPT - Revolutionizing Technology with Blockchain AI ChainGPT is the ultimate destination for cutting-edge AI technology in the Crypto and Blockchain sphere. Explore a wide array of solutions and use-cases powered by our advanced AI model, including Blockchain analytics, AI NFT Generator, AI trading, smart-contract development, AI auditing, risk management, and a comprehensive source of crypto news. Discover the future of technology at

ChainGPT - Revolutionizing Technology with Blockchain AI

ChainGPT -Introduction

ChainGPT is a revolutionary AI infrastructure that specializes in providing AI-enhanced solutions for the Web3, Blockchain, and Cryptocurrency sectors. The platform offers a wide range of AI-powered tools and applications tailored to meet the evolving needs of individuals, developers, and businesses in the decentralized digital space. With services like the AI Chatbot, AI-Generated News, Smart-Contracts Generator & Auditor, AI NFT Generator, and more, ChainGPT aims to simplify and enhance the user experience in the blockchain and crypto world. The platform also introduces the $CGPT utility token, which serves as the backbone of the ecosystem, granting users access to various services, staking opportunities, governance rights, and exclusive features. By leveraging cutting-edge AI techniques and fostering collaboration within the community, ChainGPT is dedicated to democratizing AI tools and advancing innovation in the decentralized digital landscape.

ChainGPT -Fonctionnalités

Product Features of ChainGPT


ChainGPT is a cutting-edge AI platform that harnesses the power of Blockchain technology to offer a wide range of AI-powered tools and solutions tailored for the Web3, Blockchain, and Cryptocurrency sectors. It aims to make the decentralized digital space more accessible and efficient for users and startups by providing innovative AI models and utilities.

Main Purpose and Target User Group

The main purpose of ChainGPT is to revolutionize the way individuals, developers, and businesses interact with Blockchain technology and AI. The target user group includes individuals seeking AI-powered solutions, developers looking to integrate advanced AI models, and businesses aiming to enhance their operations with cutting-edge technology.

Function Details and Operations

  • ChainGPT Chatbot: A reliable and fast source of information on Blockchain and Crypto-related topics.

  • AI News Auto-Model: Curates short articles on trending topics every 60 minutes, providing real-time updates effortlessly.

  • Smart-Contracts Generator & Auditor: Generates or audits Solidity smart contracts, optimizing gas usage and detecting exploits.

  • AI NFT Generator: Creates non-fungible tokens based on user prompts using AI-powered algorithms, enabling quick deployment on the Blockchain.

  • Blockchain Analytics: Provides swift on-chain data insights, detecting trends and anomalies to enhance decision-making.

  • Advanced AI Trading: Offers an AI model for Chart & Technical analysis, assisting traders with strategies and technical implementations.

  • SDKs & API Access: Allows developers and businesses to integrate ChainGPT AI via API & SDK access, saving time and resources.

  • ChainGPT Pad: Offers early access to AI projects for $CGPT token holders, promoting innovation and collaboration.

  • CryptoGuard®: Enhances Web3 security with an AI-powered security extension, offering anti-fraud measures and real-time scans.

User Benefits

  • Access to cutting-edge AI models and tools tailored for Web3, Blockchain, and Crypto use cases.
  • Utility of the $CGPT token for accessing AI models, Pad, API, and DAO, along with staking benefits.
  • Enhanced security with the CryptoGuard® extension and real-time data insights through Blockchain analytics.
  • Simplified smart contract generation and auditing processes with AI-powered tools.
  • Real-time news updates and comprehensive research assistance for investors and traders.

Compatibility and Integration

ChainGPT offers compatibility and integration options for developers and businesses looking to leverage AI-powered solutions within their applications. The SDKs and API access allow seamless integration of ChainGPT AI models into existing systems, saving time and resources.

Customer Feedback and Case Studies

ChainGPT has received positive feedback from users and industry experts, highlighting its efficiency in smart contract auditing, NFT generation, and AI trading assistance. Case studies showcase how ChainGPT has accelerated workflow processes and provided valuable insights for decision-making in the Blockchain ecosystem.

Access and Activation Method

To access ChainGPT's AI tools and solutions, users can visit the main website at ChainGPT and explore the various offerings available. Activation methods include creating an account, obtaining $CGPT tokens, and choosing between different plans such as Free, PPP, or Freemium to access the desired AI functionalities.

By leveraging ChainGPT's innovative AI platform, users can unlock the power of Blockchain technology and AI to enhance their operations, make informed decisions, and stay ahead in the rapidly evolving digital landscape.

ChainGPT -Questions Fréquemment Posées

Frequently Asked Questions

About ChainGPT AI:

1. What is ChainGPT?

ChainGPT is an advanced AI infrastructure focused on developing AI-enhanced solutions for the Web3, Blockchain, and Cryptocurrency sectors. It aims to make the decentralized digital space more accessible and efficient for users and startups by offering a suite of AI-powered tools and applications tailored for the evolving digital landscape.

2. Are ChainGPT AI products already available?

Yes, ChainGPT AI products are fully available! You can access them through the Crypto AI Hub, AI NFT Generator, ChainGPT Pad, and the ChainGPT Chatbot on Telegram.

3. What is the cost to use ChainGPT?

ChainGPT offers a Free Plan, PPP Plan (Pay-Per-Prompt), and a Freemium Plan for users to access its services. The cost varies based on the plan chosen.

4. How does ChainGPT work?

ChainGPT leverages state-of-the-art AI techniques to offer a range of tools and applications tailored for Web3, Blockchain, and Cryptocurrency use cases. Users can access these tools through different plans based on their needs.

5. What services can ChainGPT help with?

ChainGPT offers services such as AI Chatbot, AI News, Smart-Contracts Generator & Auditor, AI NFT Generator, Blockchain Analytics, Advanced AI Trading, SDKs & API Access, and CryptoGuard® for enhanced security.

6. Are the LLMs (AI-Models) developed by ChainGPT Open-Sourced?

No, the LLMs developed by ChainGPT are not open-sourced. However, other projects can access ChainGPT-developed products and LLMs through SDK & API access.

About $CGPT Utility Token:

7. What is $CGPT token?

$CGPT is the utility token powering the ChainGPT ecosystem. It provides access to ChainGPT services, staking & farming opportunities, governance rights, discounts, and exclusive features within the ecosystem.

8. How can I get $CGPT?

You can acquire $CGPT tokens by buying them from partnering exchanges or earning them through trading competitions hosted by ChainGPT.

9. What blockchain network is $CGPT deployed on?

$CGPT is deployed on the Binance Smart Chain as a BEP-20 token and on the Ethereum network as an ERC-20 token.

10. Can I use ChainGPT without spending $CGPT?

Yes, ChainGPT offers ways to access its utilities without directly spending $CGPT, such as through the Freemium model or Pay-Per-Usage option.

About Staking & DAO:

11. Why stake $CGPT?

Staking $CGPT offers benefits such as free access to ChainGPT services, building commercial products with the ChainGPT API, access to the ChainGPT DAO, and accumulating tier points for ChainGPT Pad access.

12. What is the ChainGPT DAO and why should I join?

The ChainGPT DAO is a digital social organization where members contribute to the protection, governance, and development of ChainGPT. Joining allows you to participate in voting, influence decisions, and engage with AI enthusiasts.

13. How do I become a member of the DAO, and is there a minimum requirement?

To join the ChainGPT DAO, you need to participate by staking the $CGPT token and acquire 200,000 voting power through staking (CGPTvp or CGPTsp).

14. What do I need in order to create a Proposal?

To create proposals in the ChainGPT DAO, you need to acquire 200,000 voting power through staking (CGPTvp or CGPTsp).

15. How do I submit a proposal?

You can submit a proposal by navigating to the DAO forum, clicking on "new proposal," and filling in the required fields.

ChainGPT -Analyse des Données

Dernières Informations sur le Trafic

  • Visites Mensuelles


  • Taux de Rebond


  • Pages par Visite


  • Durée de la Visite


  • Classement Mondial


  • Classement National


Visites au Fil du Temps

Sources de Trafic

  • direct:
  • références:
  • social:
  • courrier:
  • recherche:
  • Références Payantes:
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