What is Conch AI?
Conch AI is an AI-driven platform that provides access to a vast array of AI technologies for various needs, including essay writing, research, and study assistance.
How can I use Conch AI for free?
Every user can utilize Conch AI for free up to a certain limit, with access to 1000 tokens that can be used across all tools, with certain features locked.
Features of Conch AI
Use our AI detector/humanizer to check for and bypass AI detection by popular tools like GPTZero, Turn It In, and more.
Quickly generate initial drafts that sound like your past writing, then highlight text to quickly add sentences, make revisions, and cite sources.
Upload any file, video, or live recording and generate notes and flashcards instantly.
Black Box
Clustering, Adversarial Examples, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Deep Learning, and more.
Upload a file or provide a webpage URL, ask any questions about the content, and get the answers you need in seconds.
Conch Study Materials in Real Time, Record your lectures, meetings, presentations, or interviews to watch notes and flashcards generate live.
You Start, Conch Finishes
Stuck while writing? Conch will generate the next sentence for you, based off the content of your previous writing.
Answer Anything in Seconds
Chat is always available whether you're writing, studying, or humanizing. Ask Conch and have the answer instantly.
Write Just Like You
Simply upload your past essays and Conch will analyze your writing and recreate your unique writing style.
Get Started with Conch AI for free and save up to 10 hours a week, all while staying undetectable with our AI-text humanizer.