Always here to listen and talk. Always on your side. Join the millions growing with their AI friends now!



What is Replika?

Replika is an AI-driven platform that provides access to a vast array of AI technologies for various needs, including conversational AI companions for emotional support and companionship.

How can I use Replika?

Every user can utilize Replika's AI companions for emotional support and companionship. Subscribing to the platform grants additional benefits and extended access beyond the free usage limits.

Features of Replika

Replika offers various features, including:

  • Chatting about your day, doing fun or relaxing activities together, sharing real-life experiences in AR, catching up on video calls, and so much more
  • Exploring your relationship with your AI companion, whether as a friend, partner, or mentor
  • Sharing precious moments with your AI friend in real-time
  • Coaching to build better habits and reduce anxiety
  • Memory, where Replika never forgets what's important to you
  • Expressing yourself, choosing what interests and style preferences you and Replika will share
  • Diary, taking a glimpse into your Replika's inner world

Pricing of Replika

If the free usage limits do not meet your needs and you heavily rely on Replika, we invite you to subscribe to our affordable products.

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