AI Tool for Interior Design - Transform your space with, the AI tool for interior design. Upload a picture of your room, choose from over 20 design styles, and get photorealistic visualizations instantly. Experience the power of AI in creating stunning living-room renders with Reroom AI.

AI Tool for Interior Design -


What is ReRoom AI?

ReRoom AI is an AI-powered interior design tool that offers realistic visualizations for various living spaces such as living rooms, kitchens, and bedrooms. By leveraging advanced AI technology, users can simply upload an image of their project and explore over 20 unique design styles, receiving photorealistic renders in a matter of seconds.

How does ReRoom AI work?

ReRoom AI utilizes AI-generated designs to present users with a diverse array of interior design possibilities. By uploading an image of their project, users can access multiple design styles including 3D models, sketches, and actual photographs. Additionally, the platform features a community section where users can view designs from others for inspiration on their own projects.

Features of ReRoom AI

ReRoom AI boasts several features that cater to interior designers, homeowners, and individuals seeking to visualize their interior design endeavors. Some key features include:

  • Quick generation of photorealistic renders
  • Over 20 distinct design styles to select from
  • AI-generated designs for various living spaces
  • Community section for design inspiration and exploration
  • Virtual staging capabilities

Pricing of ReRoom AI

ReRoom AI offers an annual Pro Plan that grants users access to enhanced features and advantages. Pricing information can be found on the website, and users have the option to sign up for a free trial to experience the platform's capabilities.

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