Tweet Hunter | Get More Twitter Followers | Tweets, Threads, Scheduler, Analytics

Get more results for your business and personal brand on Twitter than ever before. Powered by AI and automation. Try it for free.

Tweet Hunter | Get More Twitter Followers | Tweets, Threads, Scheduler, Analytics


What is Tweet Hunter?


Tweet Hunter is an all-in-one Twitter growth tool, designed to help you grow and monetize your Twitter audience. Our goal is to make it as easy as possible for you to create high-performing content, build an audience around your topics of expertise, monetize, and attract opportunities.

How can Tweet Hunter help me grow my audience on Twitter?


Tweet Hunter helps you at every stage of growing a Twitter account. Whether it’s to create more and better tweets and threads, increase their reach, improve the business ROI they drive, or even engage with other people. We have developed an advanced, Twitter-dedicated AI engine as well as custom features that exist nowhere else in the market. And we keep adding more value in the product every single week.



Content Creation

  • Searchable library of 2M+ viral tweets
  • AI-powered writing suggestions
  • Thread ideas
  • Thread hook generator
  • 4K+ Staff-picked tweets across 10 categories
  • Create & share your own Tweet Collections

Scheduling & Automations

  • Schedule tweets and threads
  • Easy "add to queue" 1-click system
  • Auto DM
  • Auto Plug
  • Evergreen Tweets
  • Thread Delay
  • Hide URL previews
  • Auto Retweet
  • Clean Profile

Twitter CRM

  • Lead Finder
  • Engage w/ people
  • Engage w/ keywords
  • Hide Retweets, Replies and Quote RTs
  • AI-generated replies
  • Create lists of people
  • Reply to all your mentions


  • Monitor key metrics
  • Identify top tweets that generated the most followers, engagement, and reach
  • Daily follower growth
  • Detailed tweet analytics
  • Sort tweets by date and performance
  • Impressions, clicks, engagement, profile visits



All our plans include a free 7-day trial as well as a 30-day refund policy, no questions asked. The plans start at $49/mo.



What if I don’t like it?

If you don’t like it, you can very easily cancel at any point in time straight from the app, or just send us an email. You can also ask for a refund which we’ll happily provide for up to 30 days after your payment.

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